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The Astrology of 2022 - Hope & Change
Rose-Marie Sorokin • Jan 03, 2022

A year of paradox!

2022 is a year of paradox. 

On the one hand, we have some lovely, dreamy and optimistic planetary alignments that makes us feel good, hopeful and happy!


On the other, the struggle between the old and the new, restrictions and freedom and between authority and the people continues.

The astrology of 2020 and 2021 were packed with rare and tumultuous planetary connections — like the Great Conjunction and the Saturn/Uranus squares — and the unprecedented global events that took place mirroring this. While every year comes with a fair share of challenges, I think that the astrology of 2022 is a bit more hopeful and optimistic. There are some positive once-in-a-lifetime planetary connections taking place, so the astrological events of 2022 are definitely exciting.

Let’s look at the major planetary events.

Major Transits for 2022:

  • Venus conjunct Pluto
  • Jupiter in Pisces
  • Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces
  • Saturn square Uranus in Taurus
  • Pluto in Capricorn
  • Jupiter in Aries
  • Venus conjunct Mars in Capricorn
  • Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio

Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

We begin 2022 with a trek through the underworld. Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn from December 19th, 2021 – January 29th, 2022. With 3 conjunctions to Pluto during Venus’ journey through this sign, this retrograde is digging up some shadows when it comes to love, intimacy, and how we relate – both to ourselves and others. Ask yourself what is important in your relationships and how you treat yourself. Memories of being abandoned or neglected may come up to the surface and will have to be worked through. Take time to look within and work on radical self-compassion. As Capricorn rules government and authority, I think that Venus conjunct Pluto in this sign is having a slightly calming effect. Before Christmas there was a lot of talk about new restrictions (Saturn square Uranus), but they never happened (well, not so far anyway). This could be because Venus represents love, harmony, beauty and relationships and I think that she clearly had a positive effect on the harshness of Pluto in Capricorn.

Venus also rules finances so there could be some important financial decisions to be made at this time, but please make sure you do your research before any major decisions. Also, there could be some revelations of financial and/or sexual misconduct around this time – especially involving the rich and famous. It is interesting to note that the Maxwell case has been going on during this particular Venus/Pluto transit.

Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter enters Pisces on 28th December 2021. Being the largest planet in our cosmos, Jupiter is known for its ability to expand our minds, hearts, and souls. It is a teacher, eager to open us up to the endless opportunity in our lives and possibility in our world. Jupiter is all about reaching further and going beyond our boundaries, which makes his transit through Pisces so wonderful and exciting.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and therefore represents boundlessness. It is a sign that revels in spirituality, fantasy, art, music, dance, film and connectivity. Jupiter’s presence in Pisces only helps to magnify this vast way of living, helping us reach feelings, thoughts, and experiences that we could never have dreamed of reaching before.

Jupiter is very much at home in intuitive and watery Pisces and is known as the Great Teacher, but during his transit through Pisces, the most important knowledge doesn’t come from reading books but to learn from our souls. It’s a time to gain knowledge through silence, whether through meditation or walking in nature or any other way. Information and truths are very much on a feeling and intuitive level – deep within us. This is about connecting with our hearts, not our heads.

Our longing to connect to something bigger than ourselves grows considerably during Jupiter’s transit through Pisces. Pisces is the sign of spirituality, and Jupiter is the planet of philosophy and wisdom. When these two team up, our concept of faith expands greatly. We can learn so much about our own spiritual connections by listening our own heart and intuition but also by listening to wise people we may meet on our way. We are all connected to the same sense of spirit, even if the specific paths we take look different from someone else’s. Spirituality is such a personal concept, yet realising there are many, many paths toward connection and enlightenment can actually help us solidify or expand our own unique views.

Jupiter in Pisces also rules healing, meditation and alternative health so there could be a heightened interest in these areas and a move away from orthodox medicine. Also, breath work, yoga, and going on retreats.

On a global level Jupiter in Pisces also rules water and gas and how we use these precious resources. There could be a lot of change in these areas. We have already seen the big price increases for gas.         


Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces

On April 12th, Jupiter will form a beautiful conjunction with Neptune, the planet of dreams (Carl Jung had a Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in his chart by the way), intuition, spirituality, and delusion. This conjunction will significantly emphasise what I wrote above as Neptune is the ruler of Pisces (so in its own sign). It is almost as if there will be a huge awakening on Earth (I am hoping this) where people finally understand that spirituality is a very important part of who we are. We can’t ignore this. So instead of fighting and arguing we become silent and peaceful and find that beautiful universal love between us. It’s about trust, faith and wisdom and it’s about giving and receiving. We simply start to operate on a higher level rather than from our ego. However, as always, there can be a negative expression of this. Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces can also be about being overly optimistic, a bit naive and see everything through rose-tinted glasses. We get lost in day-dreaming and unrealistic plans and projects or even worse we get caught up in delusion and deception. So, it’s good to be aware of this and keep both feet on the ground as there always need to be a balance between dreams and reality, heaven and earth.

As Neptune also rules drugs there could be some big events around this. Maybe a major crackdown on the illegal drug trade and maybe some big scandals about how the pharmaceutical companies have been operating in the last few years in particular. We could see some major legal cases in this area. 

What is hugely interesting is that the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction (23 degrees Pisces) forms a sextile to the point where the great Pluto/Saturn conjunction took place in Capricorn (22 degrees) in January 2020 when the pandemic started. The union between Jupiter and Neptune having a supportive aspect with the union between Saturn and Pluto suggests that the inspiring vision of Jupiter and Neptune can provide a counterbalance to the difficult despair brought by Saturn and Pluto, helping to nurture new dreams and ways of recovering from the setbacks and resets brought by the pandemic. Though the astrology of 2022 suggests that there will continue to be numerous collective crises to contend with, the union of Jupiter and Neptune can provide moments of relief in which significant new ideas and sources of inspiration may be found within surrounding challenges.

Also worth noting is that both the first and second world wars ended during periods of conjunctions between Jupiter and Neptune and the United Nations was formed following their conjunction in Libra in 1945.

Jupiter conjunct Neptune has not happened in Pisces since March 1856 and before that February 1690. So, you can see how rare this is! It is interesting to see what happened last time this conjunction happened.

Neptune was discovered in 1846. Ten years later it was conjunct Jupiter. Victorians were fascinated by the supernatural and seances using Ouija boards became popular. Sailors brought opium from their travels, and the East End docks became notorious for their brothels and opium dens. Many famous Victorian writers were addicted to Laudanum, a herbal ailment remedy that was 10% Opium. You could buy it from your local chemist!

1690 was the height of baroque architecture and the baroque style with its over-the-top swirls and embellishments is so very Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces! In 1856 the pre-Raphaelite artists were also prominent, and the National portrait gallery is established in London. The pre-Raphaelite movement’s style was very romantic, feminine and ethereal. Jupiter conjunction Neptune also has those dreamy, flowing, fairy-tale qualities. 

It is still hard to assess the effect of this conjunction in modern times as their meeting is not always experienced on the material level.

Saturn square Uranus

Yes, we may have hoped that this was over and done with in 2021, but these two planets will be almost square again in October 2022. Before then we will get a little break from this square as they move apart from each other. As I have mentioned before the square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus is a challenging one.

Some common astrological keywords for Saturn are control, restriction, linear time, physical matter, systems, structures, dependability, reliability, and “authority figures” within the old patriarchal world reality.

Some common keywords for Uranus are freedom, individuality, revolutionary, Higher Awareness, higher consciousness, independence, originality, higher creativity, rebellion, expansion.

You can see how different these two energies are, which is what we have experienced in 2021 when this square has been very strong and there has been a lot of conflict between authority and people, between the old and the new and between control and freedom. One thing that we can ask ourselves is what we have learnt from this and how we can move forward with a new wisdom. I do sense that there is an awakening around the concepts of authority and the people. Many people are sick and tired of being ‘bossed around’ and told what to do which creates a tremendous amount of resistance. The key message here is to find a new form and structure of leadership that includes the people. This is part of the Aquarian Age. We are all one, and there cannot be a small group of people who decides what is best for the masses. We are passed that now and there needs to be respect and freedom for everyone.

Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008 and will leave this sign in 2023. During Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, we are collectively instructed to examine the integrity of political, commercial, legal, and religious establishments. We have seen a huge number of ‘revelations’ so far and the exposing of the truth. Things coming out of the shadows such as the ‘me too’ movement, sexual abuse within the church and other institutions.

One expression of Pluto in Capricorn is governments seeking more power and autonomy. The leaders who have been elected recently seem far keener to develop their power and wealth, than any desire to represent the people.

It may be that we experience a bigger divide between rich and poor as the old system fights hard to remain. As always, however, change is inevitable and old traditions are no longer working. The internet has made it possible for us to recognize the mistakes being made, and whilst most people are towing the line this will not continue.

On an individual level this means taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. And also, being honest and practical on many levels. It is also about leaving behind old, outdated structures that no longer works for us. 

Jupiter in Aries

Believe in yourself!

On May 10th, Jupiter moves into Aries and stays there until 28th Oct (when it will go back into Pisces again until 20th Dec). Jupiter in Aries brings opportunities related to initiative, new enterprises, independent ventures, and self-starts. This can be a wonderful new start on many levels. After having dreamt about what we want to do when Jupiter was in Pisces, now it is time to implement those dreams! Time for action.

This is about believing in our ability to reinvent our lives and to move forward with confidence despite any “failures” or other challenges we may have experienced.  We believe that “life is what you make it.” Our belief in ourselves brings a spirit of the pioneer. We live in the “now” and quickly seize opportunities.

Negative manifestations include a too narrow focus, a me-first attitude that can be insensitive, failing to consider others’ points of view and leaving opportunities behind as a result, over-confidence, not learning from past mistakes, and a lack of objectivity.

However, the higher vibration of Jupiter looks for perspective. Jupiter’s perspective isn’t a detached, analytical, or detailed look at any given situation, but an overview – a look at the “big picture”. With Jupiter, ideally, we are able to rise above pettiness, mundane concerns, inconveniences, and the like. Where Jupiter is currently transiting in your own chart is generally where you are inclined to find your joy at this stage in your development.

Venus conjunct Mars

This year we see a rare dance between Venus and Mars. This is the dance between the female (Venus) and male (Mars) and possibly a conflict between the two. The conjunction starts in February 2022 and will be maintained for two months. This is unusual and will be interesting to observe. Normally, Venus conjuncts Mars lasts ten days or so but in 2022 it lasts for two months. 

The Venus Mars conjunction will start at the beginning of February and form an exact conjunction on the 16th of February, at 16 degrees. Note that Valentine’s Day falls during this period! 

I feel that this is the balancing of the male and female in our world right now. With the earlier long conjunction with Pluto, and then with the very unusually long conjunction with Mars, Venus is showing us that it is time to focus on the feminine. We have been living in a patriarchy for a very long time, and now it is finally time to allow the beautiful feminine energy to come forth.

Looking ahead to the end of February, Venus and Mars are still conjunct at 24 and 25 degrees Capricorn. This conjunction then joins up with Pluto on March 3rd at 27 degrees Capricorn forming a triple conjunction. This gives a lot more power to the Venus-Mars conjunction and is a very passionate combination of planets. Feelings can run very high.

Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio December 24 2021 until July 13 2023

The North Node of the Moon moves into Taurus and the South Node of the Moon moves into Scorpio on December 24, 2021, signalling the beginning of our collective lessons on the axis of empowerment. Taurus is the earthiest of the earth signs and rules physicality, embodiment, holding on, and our own physical resources. While in Taurus, the North Node will conjunct Uranus for a lengthy period of time.

Scorpio is a water sign and is about emotionality, empowerment, letting go, transformation, and shared resources. I call it the axis of empowerment or sovereignty because when you care for the sacred temple that is your body and you are emotionally aware and cultivate emotional maturity, you cannot be easily manipulated and controlled. 

The Nort Node in Taurus together with Uranus is a revolution in how we treat the Earth, our resources, the environment and our bodies. You are what you eat, has never been more true with a society that, to a large extent, is living on takeaways and pre-packaged foods, which of course has resulted in an obesity crisis with related illnesses. This is a huge cost and burden on the NHS. The question here is: Do you want to fill your body temple with sugar, salt, processed foods, chemicals, preservatives, alcohol, caffein, drugs and medications? Or do you want to have a clean, healthy and happy body? Do you want to contribute to animal suffering and global warming by consuming animal products? Or do you want to help save this beautiful planet? We all have a choice. And this is what the emphasis on Taurus is in the coming year. All of us have to take much more responsibility for ourselves, our bodies, our health and our environment.

One sign of this is the huge increase in the availability of plant-based alternatives in our supermarkets and also an increasing knowledge and interest in living and eating healthier. We have already seen a big increase in the interest in growing your own fruit and vegetables. This will be even bigger in 2022 as will the interest in all environmental issues and how we treat the planet.

With the South Node in Scorpio, we need to let go of old addictions, dramas, buried emotion, secrets and anything that is holding us back from living a healthy, happy and joyful life.

So these are just some of the transits for 2022. As I mentioned above it will be an exciting year, with many changes but with some much longed for positive energies. Enjoy 2022!

Individual astrological consultations are available.

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