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Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction + Winter Solstice 2020 = WOW!
Rose-Marie Sorokin • Dec 07, 2020

A once in a Lifetime Experience - Set your intentions!

The Winter Solstice in 2020 takes place on Monday 21 December, and it is an incredibly special Winter Solstice as Saturn and Jupiter are coming together in the sky exactly on this day. Be on the lookout because they are beautifully visible in the sky. Right now, they are only 2 degrees apart from each other. December 21st is the night of the actual conjunction, and they will be near exact in the sky. 

Astrologically speaking the conjunction between Saturn and Jupiter is called 'The Royal Conjunction'. Throughout history, it has been closely observed by astrologers and been linked to the rise and fall of royalty, leaders, and great people. Some believe that the biblical “Star of Bethlehem” was the great conjunction of 7 B.C.

The Saturn/Jupiter conjunction takes place at 0.1 degrees Aquarius (both planets having spent a long time in Capricorn). Some people say that this is our proper entrance into the Aquarian Age (you may have heard of this) and this represents a major shift away from the 'heavy' and materialistic earth signs where the Jupiter/Saturn cycle has occurred for the last 200 years. We are now shifting into a 200-year long Jupiter/Saturn cycle in air signs. 

The whole of December is really important and especially from the 14th of December when there is a Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. 3 days later, on December 17th Saturn moves into Aquarius, on December 19th Jupiter follows suit and the Grand Finale, the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction occurs on December 21st.

Of course, it is very difficult to say what is going to happen but there is one big shift we can be sure of though, and that is a move towards freedom and decentralisation. If Capricorn is all about top-down government, predictable structure, and rules, Aquarius is all about people and communities. The focus may now be much more on people coming together and creating change, rather than being controlled by authority. This may not come easy however, as the old will 'fight back' and try to keep the control. I think we can already see this. It will be about hard work (Saturn) and faith (Jupiter). Believe in yourself and your own capabilities! We may also see a lot more entrepreneurship as Aquarius represents ‘doing your own thing’. It could be really interesting! 

Together Jupiter and Saturn combine expansive and imaginative vision with the structure and discipline needed to both manifest results as well as strip away the inessential. While Jupiter signifies generosity and fortunate opportunities, it can also lead to egoic greed and delusions of grandeur that requires the contemplative focus of Saturn to trim the excess and strengthen what is ready to ripen. At the same time, we need the inspirational Jupiter to mediate the negative side of Saturn that can bring fear over limitations and obstacles and lead to depressive stagnation. 

December this year is incredible potent leading up to the Great Conjunction on the Winter Solstice. It is an excellent time to focus on how you want your future to look. Take some time for a simple Winter Solstice ritual.

1. Light one or several candles. Maybe also use some objects such as stones or chrystals, flowers or houseplants.

2. Come into a comfortable seated position either on the floor or in a chair.

3. Close your eyes and then sit quietly for five minutes. Imagine the perceived or real heat of the flame flowing through you. On the in-breath, inhale the essence of the flame. Pull the inhale down the spine and fill the lower belly. With long exhales, reverse the breath from the base of the spine and low belly up through the chest and throat. 

4. Write the following questions in your journal. These questions will serve as a guide to help you design and set three attainable intentions.  
• If I knew I could not fail, what do I think I could do or be doing that I’m not? Why is doing this important to me?
• What is standing in my way? What has stopped me from achieving this in the past?
• What kind of support do I need? 

5. Then close your eyes again and see what comes to mind. Set your solstice intentions. Open your eyes and write them down.

6. To close the winter solstice ceremony, lower or close your eyes and return to normal breathing. Feel the light of the flame growing inside of you and imagine your solstice intentions doing the same. After sitting for a few minutes, say each of your solstice intentions out loud. 

With the remaining time, five or six minutes, sit quietly in meditation. Recognize that you, your heart, and your soul are unique. Hold yourself with love and feel the light of the flame. When you are finished meditating, bring your palms to touch and thumbs to the heart centre. State your intentions one last time. Silently thank the day. Thank the gifts of the darkness. Thank the coming of the light. 

Wishing you a wonderful Winter Solstice 2020! 

And if you would like an Astrological Consultation please have a look here
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